• 112, Vinayak Skydeck, Pdpu Rd, Above Amul Parlour, Near Yash Plaza, Raysan, Gujarat 382007

Dental Bridge

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Dental Clinic in Raysan Gandhinagar

Getting a dental bridge is a great way to replace missing teeth. Bridges are a great alternative to wearing traditional dentures. Many patients prefer getting bridges when they need replacement teeth. At RADHE DENTAL Modern Dentistry, we place bridges that look entirely natural. Our Dr will take precise measurements and impressions. We will create replacement teeth that look and feel natural and comfortable.

What Is A Dental Bridge?

Bridges are a fixed dental prosthetic. They can be handy in cases of partial tooth loss. A bridge, as the name suggests, forms a connection between two healthy teeth. We will fill in the missing gaps with replacement tooth or teeth.

Am I A Candidate For A Bridge?

If the teeth at both sides of your tooth gap are healthy, you’re an excellent bridge candidate. Strong teeth that can support the bridge will have dental crowns placed over them. These crowns will serve as an anchor to hold up the gum base and new tooth.

What Are The Benefits In Getting A Bridge?

Getting a bridge will bring many fantastic benefits. Patients and dentists love the fact that bridges will:

  • Restore a beautiful smile
  • Bring back your ability to chew and speak properly.
  • Helps to maintain the natural shape of your unique face
  • Will equally distribute your bite forces through the teeth replacement.
  • Prevents your remaining teeth from drifting out of position

Bridge Vs. Standard Dentures

Dr HARSHIT PATELwill discuss the differences between bridges and dentures during your consultation. A significant difference between the two is that with dentures, they are removable. It is because of this removability that increases instability risk with dentures. Anything that can be removed runs the risk of becoming loose or even popping out. Many patients with active lifestyles prefer a bridge due to their stability.

How Long Does A Dental Bridge Last?

While not permanent, bridges have a good track record of being durable. With proper care, many patients report their bridges lasting 15 years or longer. An essential factor to note is that bridge stability comes from your anchor teeth with the crowns on them. So it’s vital to keep these natural teeth healthy. The best way to do this is to be consistent with your oral hygiene and dental checkups.

What’s Involved In The Treatment Process?

When you visit our Dr HARSHIT’s office, we’ll start with an exam and X-rays first. Dr HARSHIT PATELwill need to determine if your teeth have the strength to support a bridge. She will also make sure there’s no decay or infection present. If there is, our dentist will address those with the proper treatments. Next is the prepping of your anchor teeth for the crowns. During this part, your bridge and crowns are being created in the lab. The dentist will place a temporary bridge in the meantime. Finally, when the bridge is ready, you’ll come back to the office in another appointment. Dr HARSHIT PATELwill then correctly fit and adjust your bridge into place.

Is There Any Discomfort With Getting A Bridge?

Our office will ensure there’s little to no discomfort during the treatments. Using a local anesthetic, our trusted dentist will numb the bridge areas. This will provide you as the patient feel no pain and total comfort is a top priority for our office.

So if you have missing teeth, contact RADHE DENTAL CLINICfor a consult. Get seen by Dr HARSHIT. Our office loves creating new smiles. Call us today so we can give you a new smile that will have you look fresh and fabulous.