• 112, Vinayak Skydeck, Pdpu Rd, Above Amul Parlour, Near Yash Plaza, Raysan, Gujarat 382007

Dental Fillings

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Orthodontist in Raysan Gandhinagar

What Are Fillings Exactly?

Dental fillings are a type of restoration. Dentists use fillings to fill an area on the tooth that has decayed material removed. The filling material will protect against more damage. Fillings are useful to help repair cracked or broken teeth.

Benefits Of Getting Fillings

Fillings are a very versatile treatment that can do more than fix cavities. Some fantastic benefits of getting fillings are :

  • Providing peace of mind due to durability
  • Will match and improve the aesthetics of your teeth
  • Certain fillings like the glass ionomer can release fluoride. Helping safeguard your tooth from future decay
  • Will help provide additional strength and support to a weak tooth
  • Helps prevent possible infections in the tooth, especially after a root canal treatment
  • Improves tooth function by making chewing and eating less painful and difficult

What Are Fillings Made Of?

There are several different materials that tooth fillings can be made from. Dentists can use fillings made of

  • Silver amalgam
  • Gold
  • Porcelain
  • Composite Resin
  • Glass Ionomer

Composite Tooth Fillings

Composite fillings are a white color resin filling. They will match the shade of your natural teeth. They are allowing a natural blend. These resin fillings consist of a mix of ceramic and plastic.

Differences Between Silver & Tooth-colored Fillings?

Two popular fillings that dentists use are silver amalgam and resin composite. These fillings are commonly known as silver and tooth-colored. Silver fillings are popular due to them being economical and long-lasting. Resin fillings enjoy aesthetics being tooth-colored, providing an invisible appearance with these unique benefits also some drawbacks. Silver fillings can cause allergies in some patients, while resin ones need more replacement and longer application times.

Am I A Candidate For Fillings?

As long as a patient has enough healthy tooth tissue, they will be a great candidate for fillings. If there isn’t enough healthy tissue, Dr HARSHIT PATELwill recommend alternatives.

How Long Will Dental Fillings Last? Are They Permanent?

How long precisely your fillings will last depends on several factors. The materials used will play a significant role in durability, as well as the cavity size and personal oral hygiene habits. Keep in mind that fillings aren’t a permanent fix. With proper care, your fillings will last many years, sometimes even decades. Each filling material has its own unique average life expectancy. On average gold, fillings can last between 15 to 30 years. Silver Amalgam fillings last less, between 10 to 15 years. Composite resin fillings, on average, have a lifespan of 5 to 7 years. The good news is that these are averages. Patients can extend the life of their fillings with proper oral care. Contact RADHE DENTAL CLINICto learn more about how to take care of your teeth.

What’s The Total Cost To Get Fillings Done?

On average, expect fillings to be around a few hundred rupees. Exact cost estimates are difficult to pinpoint due to a variety of factors. Final out of pocket costs will depend on:

  • How many cavities need fillings
  • Type of fillings chosen
  • The location of the teeth that need fillings

After the consult, our honest Dr HARSHIT will go over what the final costs will be with you.

If you have cavities, contact RADHE DENTAL CLINICtoday. Getting fillings will help protect your teeth and prevent considerable headaches in the future. Let us help you get that beautiful smile you want.