• 112, Vinayak Skydeck, Pdpu Rd, Above Amul Parlour, Near Yash Plaza, Raysan, Gujarat 382007

Denture Services

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Dental Implants in Raysan Gandhinagar

Dr HARSHIT PATELis a top-rated DENTIST that can take care of your denture needs.

What Are Dentures?

If you’re not familiar, dentures are removable replacement teeth. Modern dentures are natural-looking and more comfortable than in the past. They do take some time to get used to and won’t ever feel exactly like your real teeth.

The Different Types Of Dentures

Dentures come in two types, full and partial. Full denture will replace an entire arch that’s missing teeth. Partial denture will cover a segment of teeth missing if there are other teeth present.
Our honest and reliable cosmetic dentist will help you choose which type will be best for you.

What Are The Benefits Of Getting Dentures?

Patients with missing teeth love dentures for the multitude of benefits they provide. Denture benefits include:

  • Increasing one’s self-esteem
  • Improving your smile and appearance
  • Proving facial muscle support
  • Easy removal and placement
  • Many insurances provide denture coverage
  • Improvement with speech and communication
  • Being able to enjoy foods that need teeth to consume.
  • Custom design comfort and function
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance

What Are The Disadvantages?

While dentures come with great benefits, there are some potential disadvantages. For one, complete ones can feel bulky, especially an upper set in the mouth roof. Lower ones can feel unstable as well. The instability stemming from various muscles such as the tongue that can shift them. Finally, a patient’s unique jaw anatomy can present complications.

What’s The Treatment Process?

For most patients, getting dentures can be done in about 4 steps. First is getting mouth impressions. Second is measuring your bite to see how the jaw comes together. The third step is the trying on the denture, to see how it will look. Finally, the fourth step is the insertion of the denture.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

With proper care and maintenance, expect your dentures to last 7 to 10 years. Our Dr HARSHIT office recommends getting new ones every five to eight years. Over a period of time, yours will gradually wear out from normal use. Your gums can also change in shape and size. When this occurs, it’s best to get yours replaced for the best comfort and function.

What Are The Costs Of Getting Dentures?

Determining the final cost of getting dentures will depend on many factors. Questions that factor into prices include:

So if you have missing teeth, contact RADHE DENTAL CLINICfor a consult. Get seen by Dr HARSHIT. Our office loves creating new smiles. Call us today so we can give you a new smile that will have you look fresh and fabulous.

  • The need of tooth extraction or not?
  • Is partial or complete full needed?
  • How many total visits will be needed for the procedure?

Once we know the answers, our honest dentist will be able to provide accurate costs. So if you have missing teeth, call RADHE DENTAL CLINICtoday for a consultation. Our top-rated dentist has helped create many beautiful smiles for patients. We believe in providing the perfect balance of aesthetics with function. Dr HARSHIT PATELdoesn’t just want you to look good, but feel amazing too! So contact us and get work done with one of .the best cosmetic dentists.